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Friday 27 July 2018

What will happen to us during this lunar eclipse

What will happen to us during this lunar eclipse

Well... There are many believe about how the lunar eclipse will affects us, before I talk about how it will affect us, let me explain what lunar eclipse mean - lunar eclipse is when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon, so the light from the sun will not reach the moon cause its  blocked by the earth. The little reflection from the earth changes its colour to red, brownish which then shines on the moon hence it is nick named blood moon.

How does it affect us

Renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has shared his insights on his blog regarding this.

As the moon moves and complete its cycle, it has an impact on us. Physically, psychologically and energy wise. In terms of energy, the earth’s energy mistakes this eclipse as a full cycle of the moon. Certain things happen in the planet where anything that has moved away from its natural condition will deteriorate very fast. That is why there is a change in the way cooked food is before and after the eclipse. What was nourishing food turns into poison, it is better to keep the stomach empty at this time,” Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has written on his blog.

The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha recommends the following Do’s and Dont’s during a lunar eclipse:
1. Do not eat 9 hours before the lunar eclipse begins. One can drink water.
2. No meals should be offered to God during the pre-eclipse period.
3. Observe fast during the lunar eclipse – do not even take water.
4. During the lunar eclipse, prayer is the best activity to undertake.
5. Take a bath in cold water with one’s clothes on immediately after the lunar eclipse.
6. After bath, it is recommended that you offer a donation with love and compassion.
After the eclipse, it is recommended by the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha to not touch anything, any person or any personal item without having a bath with clothes on first.

Astrologer also believed that a combination of factors during an eclipse causes some changes in the human body. “During an eclipse, the Kapha dosha, which increases the risk of ailments caused by the excess of the dosha, such as skin diseases, itching, dandruff, halitosis, colds and congestions, lethargy, etc.,” says the Dr Gandhi.
To make matters worse, the onset of Vasant Ritu or spring season has just begun. “The cold dryness of the Vasant season aggravates Kapha -related ailments. So the lunar eclipse is happening at a very inopportune moment,” says Dr Gandhi.

The tridoshas or Vata , Pitta and Kapha are functional principles that govern the workings of our body. Vata represents the bodily elements that have the motile quality of air, Pitta of fire and Kapha of water.

“Ancient wisdom is mystified and romanticised to such an extent that people think astrology has more to do with magic than with science,” says Dr Gandhi. But the truth is that every rule in astrology is built on some observation or some underlying logic.

How digestion works during eclipse 

In the first stage of the process, the Kapha increases. That’s why you feel lethargic and heavy after a meal. In the second state, the Pitta goes up, and in the third stage, Vata is stimulated.

Eating anything during the grahan or the eclipse will increase the
Kapha element in your body, which is already aggravated by the eclipse and the season,”

The time is therefore ripe for all Kapha doshas and you may end up suffering from lethargy, cold, cough, itching, stiffness, swelling, indigestion, bloating. It also increase depression, and psychosomatic problems. If you know you can't stay without food just eat a light and spicy food, “Dry ginger or soonth is the best food that works against Kapha,” says the doctor.

Well.. I guess I will eat my normal diet and see how that goes..

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