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Thursday 23 August 2018



Tis the first Sunday of the month, which also happens to be the first day of the month, a very humid day, less sunlight and very cool. My usual custom was to always keep myself hydrated regardless of the humidity since I'll be out for a few hours in church for Thanksgiving.
As we left for church, in the car with my aunt, her husband and my cousin, I was already feeling pressed and a need to visit the gents but church was still far away and we just left home. Gladly we stopped by the gas station to refuel the car and took my chance to also empty my overloaded tank.

Excusing myself, I made haste for the guest room, without looking back I slammed door shut and unzipped but then I remembered I didn't lock the door behind and another customer may intrude my privacy. Turning back, what I saw sent a jolt down my spine...the door handle was gone, I mean I'd locked myself in and the guest room happened to be close to a large standby generator so screaming was out of the option neither was banging on the steel door relevant.
Now I was locked between too roads, to drop the pressure on my tank and to find a way out, after a few minutes of being frantic and confused, scrambling about and in futile search for means and ways to get myself out. The pressure in my tank brought me back to reality and so taking a deep breath, to calm down and stop being nervous, being heavily pressed, I decided answering nature's call should be first so I direct my concentration on how to release myself from my prison. Long story short, my cousin guessed I was probably stuck and freedom came when I was released from my prison by her dad an a worker.

This is what I want to pass across: sometimes we unconsciously fall prey to events, circumstances and occurrences which also, most times are not of our doing and we are never prepared for and this situations leaves us frantic and disturbed which affects our thinking and resolution. But one thing which is paramount is, there is always a way, step by step process for us to follow to get ourselves out of such situations. We must remain calm and collected and not allow fear distract and destabilize us.

We must learn the act to BE CALM in the face of troubles so we can focus our mind 100% on the way out.

How are you great mind.

Coach O'fire

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I will survive

Do it now

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