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Friday 3 August 2018

Why do I always sleep when I travel

Why do I always sleep when I travel

So what happens when you're sleepy or sleep deprived is you have a buildup of nerve chains that are called adenosine. Adenosine is actually a byproduct of cellular metabolisms. As a cell eats, it produces a byproduct. So just like we eat, and then we have a byproduct from what we eat, cells are no different. So that's what happens—adenosine comes from that. That then travels through the bloodstream, ends up in the brain, and we actually have adenosine receptor cells in the brain, and it latches on there. When you have enough of them, you start to feel sleepier and sleepier.

the brain sleeps when it has a chance to relax. The difference between relaxation in the primitive part of the brain, is that it recognizes regularity, rather than wanting to sleep. Because your brain is looking for new stimulus, such as noise, light, physical sensation or any other kind of sensory agitation, when it gets conditioned with the stimulus already present, it shuts down. So if you are in a car, you may think you need to stay awake, but the brain isn't into all that. It's looking for new things to be stimulated by. When the road keeps rolling and rolling and rolling and the sun is in the sky and there are no other cars and the radio has been playing the same kind of music for the last 20 minutes, you basically go to sleep. Not deep sleep, but the start of it. Everyone's zoned out while driving, and suddenly come to.

How to avoid sleeping while travelling

Chew a gum - Try varieties of flavour to keep your taste bud guessing. Jaw smacking is really great for eyes wide open.

Sing - Sing like you mean it, whenever you have a earpiece on and you sing your favorite song you stay focused.

Stretch - Hour after hour in the same position the body enters a zombie like state similar to sleep. While in the car try shoulder rolls and neck stretches every 10-15 minutes.

Stops - Stop frequently while travelling, stopovers during travel doesn't make you sleep.

Eat Veggies - Pack a large bag of fresh vegetables to snack on. Carrots, celery, snap peas, radishes, cherry tomatoes are choices that won’t get mushy in the mix.

Drink - Dehydration can cause fatigue. Bring an easy access bottle. Buy a sport bottle that can be squeezed without removing lids or caps, It keeps your eyes wide open.

Look for photos to take -
No matter how boring a landscape may appear at first glance, a pretty picture is waiting to be discovered. Always take pictures, it keeps you awake.

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