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Tuesday 11 September 2018

Probiotics Bad For Health Especially When Taken With Antibiotics

Probiotics Bad For Health Especially When Taken With Antibiotics 

                            Photo Credit New Atlas

The gut microbiome is the sum total of all the micro-organisms living in a person’s gut, and has been shown to play a huge role in human health. New research has found probiotics – usually taken as supplements or in foods such as yoghurt, kimchi or kefir – can hinder a patient’s gut microbiome from returning to normal after a course of antibiotics, and that different people respond to probiotics in dramatically different ways.

researchers performed endoscopies and colonoscopies to sample and study the gut microbiomes of people who took antibiotics before and after probiotic consumption. Another group were given samples of their own gut microbiomes collected before consuming antibiotics.

The researchers found the microbiomes of those who had taken the probiotics had suffered a “very severe disturbance”.

“Once the probiotics had colonised the gut, they completely inhibited the return of the indigenous microbiome which was disrupted during antibiotic treatment,”

Gene expression – the process by which gene DNA is made into a functional gene product such as protein or RNA – was also disturbed in the guts of those who had taken the probiotics, with the detrimental effects lasting for six months.

However, these negative effects were not observed in the group of people who were given back the original microbiome that had been collected before antibiotic use; their microbiome normalised within days.

But reintroducing the original, indigenous microbiome after antibiotic use is probably not a scalable solution for all people who take antibiotics.

The scientists also compared the gut microbiomes of the gut intestinal tract of 25 volunteers with that of their stools. They found that stool bacteria only partially correlated with the microbiomes functioning inside their bodies. “So the fact that we all almost exclusively rely on stool in our microbiome research may not be a reliable way of studying gut microbiome health,” said Elinav.

researchers examined the colonisation and impact of probiotics on 15 people by sampling within their gastrointestinal tract. They divided the individuals into two groups: one were given a preparation made of 11 strains of very commonly used probiotics and the other were given a placebo.

“What researchers  found was very surprising,” Of those who were given probiotics, he said, “We could group the individuals into two distinct groups: one which resisted the colonisation of the probiotics, and one in which the probiotics colonised the gut and modified the composition of the gut microbiome and the genes of the host individual.” No effect was seen in the placebo group.

“This tells us the currently used paradigm of one-size-fits-all probiotic preparation and treatment should be replaced by a tailored therapy which harnesses science and measurement and technology,” said Elinav, adding that “with this tailored approach probiotics have greater chances to benefit health”.

However, the studies did not look at clinical effects of probiotics and more research remains to be done in this respect.

“This work helps researchers  understand why they might see massive variations between studies and between individuals within studies.”

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