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Monday 21 January 2019

Rare Super Blood Wolf Moon Turns Red In Once In A Generation Event (Video)

Rare Super Blood Wolf Moon Turns Red In Once In A Generation Event (Video)

Stargazers in Nigeria have two-hours plus to catch a glimpse of the stunning lunar eclipse

The moon turned a deep shade of red in a once-in-a-generation lunar eclipse that stunned stargazers across the world.

The awesome spectacle - a total lunar eclipse - was first observable in the UK in the early morning from around 3:36am

However, the 'super blood wolf moon' was visible for about three hours with early risers able to catch a glimpse as late as 6.00am.

The celestial phenomenon also took place over Europe, Africa and the Americas.

Stunning pictures showed the moon a shade of deep crimson in locations including Colombia, Miami and New York.

The peak time to see the lunar event in Britain was around 5.15am, however some had to battle cloud cover.

For those that didn't catch it, the spectacle was taking place for the last time in 18 years.

The moon turned a deep shade of red in a once-in-a-generation lunar eclipse that stunned stargazers across the world.

However, many stargazers in the UK had to contend with cloudy weather in order to see it.

Those living in the South West and north had the best chance, however, the moon was spotted across the country.

“I think Kent may be OK, you could see it in Kent.

“In the south-west - Devon, Cornwall - there will be clear skies, you could see it there and around the coast of Wales, but mainland Wales, it will be grey and overcast but the west coast of wales, it’s clear.

“Northern England has a good chance of seeing it and southern and eastern Scotland and Northern Ireland.

"But there are outbreaks of rain and sleet and snow and in western Scotland, it will be cloudier, so you won’t be able to see it there.

"Where it’s cloudy it will be quite overcast, there won’t be many gaps in the cloud to see the moon, which is a shame.”

The next 'super blood wolf moon' will happen on January 31, 2037 - the third and last of the 21st century.

The display, which sees the moon turn a spectacular shade of red, is a rare combination of a supermoon and a lunar eclipse.

It's called a "wolf moon" because that's the folk name for a full moon that happens in the month of January, when hungry wolves howled outside villages, according to folklore.

It will be the first lunar eclipse of the year and the last total lunar eclipse, when the moon glows red, until 2021.

The moon gets its red hue as sunlight is filtered as it passed through the Earth's atmosphere, removing most of the blue light.

It's dubbed a supermoon because the moon will be at its closest point to Earth, making it appear significantly larger in the sky.

This 'super blood wolf moon' is part of a cycle of lunar eclipses that began on October 25, 1874, and will conclude on July 26, 2325, with one display every 18 years.

The last one happened on January 9, 2001.

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Tom Kerss, an astronomer from the Royal Observatory Greenwich.

"So this is a really good one to catch as it's going to be a long time before you catch another one like this, we will have other lunar eclipses, we just won't have anything quite as spectacular until May 2021."

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